China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

Action is needed to shore up the global commons — and less powerful countries must take the initiative

China Money Network's DealShot provides detailed information on venture capital and private equity deals in China on a daily basis. Here you can find out where Chinese investors have been investing their money each workday.
DealShot: 21 Deals Rea…

Hotel confinement for international visitors cut by half as Beijing tries to revive the economy

World’s most indebted property developer is facing pressure from investors cut out of its restructuring

Crude oil rises as American inflation-rate expectations hit record high of 8%

Restructuring closely watched by other countries for signs of how Beijing will respond to defaults

Western alliance set to agree 10-year ‘strategic concept’ that labels Beijing as ‘challenge to our security’

Officials used health code system to stop depositors from protesting over failing rural banks

Despite erosion of freedoms, companies and investors prioritise access to capital markets oasis