China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

Miners and energy producers will become riskier propositions in the second half of this year

Delayed certification for latest blockbuster game highlights regulatory risk facing sector

China Money Network's DealShot provides detailed information on venture capital and private equity deals in China on a daily basis. Here you can find out where Chinese investors have been investing their money each workday.
DealShot: 25 Deals Bre…

Cartoon bear is often used to criticise President Xi Jinping and has been blacklisted by censors

Xi Jinping’s antivirus strategy risks long-term fallout on international business, according to survey

Beijing must find the confidence to lift capital controls and make the renminbi fully convertible

Government officials camped out at Shanghai bourse to ensure steady flow of listings during lockdown

Reforms to develop individual private pensions for the country’s ageing population have created a wealth of opportunities for the world’s biggest asset managers

Beijing is assembling a network of overseas port facilities to protect its global interests