Even assuming that the Sochi Games pass off successfully – and that, despite severe security restrictions and official bigotry, athletes and visitors enjoy their stay – will Russia’s brief display of national pride really be worth the financial and political cost? Yes, the country will have a fancy ski resort – at the beach.
A 73-year old woman in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province dies after contracting the H10N8 virus following contact with live poultry
Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of US Pacific Command, says there has been little change in the behaviour of China’s air force since Beijing created an air defence zone over contested islands in the East China Sea
Suning Commerce Group confirmed that the company will acquire Chinese group buying website Manzuo.com for nearly USD10 million. According to a representative from Suning, as a new business model which integrates online and offline channels, the business has a broad market capability in China. Group buying is a catalyst that promotes the integration of online […]
The author is research firm Capital Economics' chief emerging markets economist Neil Shearing The emerging market world may not be facing a re-run of the late-1990s, as some have suggested, but the precarious position of some emerging markets makes it likely that several economies will run into trouble over the next couple of years. Events […]
Visit ChinaMoneyNetwork.com for more great China Money Podcast audio and video Internet episodes covering important investment news and financial events in China, as well as daily news updates on important China business news happenings. Follow us on Twitter @chinamoneypod subscribe to all episodes on iTunes.
A new mood of abstemiousness and atrocious levels of pollution have put a damper on the traditionally explosive celebrations
There will be more than 339,000 millionaires in Hong Kong in 2017, and the amount they possess will increase by 53% to over $1.7 trillion in combined wealth, according to a report release by London-based wealth management research firm WealthInsight. The number of millionaires in Hong Kong is expected to grow at 45.7% annually during […]
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