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Consumer sentiment edges up
Aggregated Source: Shanghai Daily: Business

CHINESE consumer sentiment edged up last month, as unsatisfactory current conditions were offset by an im-provement in consumers' future expectations, a private report showed today.
The monthly measure of Chinese consumer sentiment increase marginally to 94.4 in May, from 94.2 in April.
This remained within the very narrow fluctuation range of around 95 seen since last November, Market News International (MNI), a unit of Deutsche Boerse Group, said in a report today.
"If the economy improves, so will sentiment. If the economy deteriorates, so will confidence, with a potential adverse impact on spending," said MNI in the report.
"The fact that sentiment has been stable for the last seven months at a moderate level reinforces the impression that consumers are taking a wait-and-see attitude on the economic outlook and their own personal spending."
The current condition deteriorated for the second consecutive month in May, but was again offset by an im-provement in future expectations, led by a rebound in the outlook for personal finances.
Consumers' willingness to buy durable goods also rebounded in May after dipping in April.
However, their willingness to buy cars dropped for the second month in a row.
Consumer attitudes on the real estate market fell in May for the first time this year, as price expectations weak-ened.
Sentiment on the stock market dipped after a short-lived recovery in April.

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