China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

Fund managers want to see much larger stimulus for real estate sector before buying back into Chinese stocks

‘We were told not to bring any Apple products’: US tech group loses $200bn in share value this week

Treasury secretary indicates slowdown’s impact on US will be small as renminbi hits 16-year low against dollar

Markets need to recognise that the country is not reverting to its old economic and financial playbook

Big names accept the need to sharpen their competitive edge as overseas rivals swamp the Munich motor show

US president seeks funding boost for multilateral lender as need to counter Beijing’s efforts becomes more urgent

Also in today’s newsletter, China’s renminbi hits 16-year low and a former FTX executive pleads guilty

Beijing’s curbs on government iPhone use and resurgent Huawei could overshadow launch of new device