China Business Blog - Aggregated China Business Blogs
Aggregated China Business Blogs

Many drivers unaware regulations mean government can constantly track them

The controversy over the brand’s show in Shanghai served as a timely lesson in the pitfalls of pursuing the global market

Fears rise of debt debilitating countries that most need big works projects

2008 crisis gave summits a potency unlikely to be regained in Trump era

Region’s decade of promise ends in upheaval, yet hope remains

Problems overshadow host’s moment of prestige

Forum has ‘done much of what it set out to and offers voice to developing economies’

This year’s soft patch shows signs of being longer lasting

Experts say Beijing has attempted to exert its influence through American companies

A less dependable US leaves Britain and the EU vulnerable to China’s blandishments

Constructing its own system will give Beijing control of an increasingly vital technology

Financing conditions tighten for country’s most indebted developer

How twin threats of defaults and slowing growth could prompt policy reversal in 2019

More developers report falling prices but cheaper mortgages suggest relief in works

Positions on both sides seem to be hardening as Beijing refuses structural reform

US president’s latest salvo could ratchet up trade tensions ahead of G20 summit