Washington (AFP) – Is Joe Biden “weak” in the face of Russia, Iran or North Korea? This is the accusation leveled by opponents of the US president, who is trying to balance a firm hand with pragmatism to overcome multiple international crises and focus on a rising China.
President Biden Battles Accusations of ‘Weakness’ Against US Rivals — Daniel Whyte III Tells President Biden, Do Not Let Those Accusations Push You to Overcompensate in an Attempt to Appear Strong and Drive Us Into a War That We Will Not Win Because God Is Not With You and God Is Not With America Because of Our Sin. President Biden, You Must Understand That Most Nations of the World Look Down Upon America Now, Including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea Because the Protestant, Evangelical, and Catholic Church Along With the Government in America and Even the Supreme Court Has Foolishly Sanctioned the Abomination, Sin, and Unnatural Evil of Homosexuality, and Until You Gain the Testicular Fortitude to Use the Bully Pulpit as I Told President Trump to Do as Well to Stop This Homosexual Madness That Has Destroyed America, You Would Be Wise Not to Get Into Any Kind of War With Any of the Countries I Named, Because if You Do They Already Have Plans to Come After America With a Vengeance and Things Will Unravel Worse Than What They Are. Rest Assured Mr. President, Truly Saved and Born Again Christians, the Remnant, the 7000, and the Faithful Few Are Praying for You. comes via ChinaTechNews.com.