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Aggregated China Business Blogs
Why Chinese Firms' Cross-Border Deals Fall Apart
Aggregated Source: China Challenges

The HBR Blog says:

During the past decade, Chinese firms have become aggressive cross-border acquirers. Unfortunately they have been struggling to actually close their deals.

Some deals have failed because of national security concerns in the U.S., including CNOOC's attempt to purchase Unocal in 2005 and Huawei's attempt to buy 3Leaf Systems in 2011.

More often, though, Chinese firms have announced deals and are then unable to follow through. For instance, Bright Food was near closing on a deal to purchase GNC for between $2.5 billion and $3.0 billion in 2011, but then had to retract because the companies could not agree on terms and struggled to get Chinese regulatory approval. 

These examples are rather more typical than they should be. According to a study (forthcoming) by Olga Hawn of Duke University, cross border deals involving Chinese companies are almost twice as likely to break down (15% of the time) as deals involving companies from other BRICS countries (8%) and three times as likely as those involving Western multinationals (5%).  

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