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To Witness The Local Hero Of China Internet — The Opening Of 9th Chinese Internet Economic Forum 2011 On December 8th
Aggregated Source: China Newswire

, November 21, 2011 / - - The Opening Of 9th Chinese Internet Economic Forum 2011 On December 8th.

Beijing, China (November 21, 2011) / — In 2011, the internet business in China has pursued the upsurge of going public which took place in 2010. With companies including renren, qihoo360, netqin, jianyuan, 21vianet, tudou are all going public abroad, the Chinese internet business has become the high light of the Chinese economy. Beside that, other companies, which have been developing along with the growth of Chinese internet, such as tencent, alibaba, baidu, also did great jobs in 2011.

This year, 2011, is the Chinese Year on internet, is the year of Chinese Hero on internet. With the world-wide economic crisis and the American Credit Rating going down, China stood out and got to the top of the international market.

To witness the existence of the Local Hero of Chinese internet, the 9th Chinese Internet Economic Forum 2011 is to begin on December 8th. This forum is an annual grand gathering which hosted by and Information Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Under the main topic "China – Hero", the forum will emphasize the Chinese opportunities, new ideas of CEO, and have a further discussion on topics such as life on line service, mobile internet and cloud computing, E-Business and e-payment, internet advertisement and marketing. Government official, seniors and experts on internet, advertisers are all invited to this gathering. That will conclude and look forward to the direction on this business as well as provide a stage for resource integration.

This forum will launch a voting of "China – Hero", and announce the Top 100 E-business Website in China, and also "mobile internet award 2011", "e-payment award 2011", "Chinese web advertisement award 2011", "Chinese internet celebrity 2011", "the most popular IT products 2011". That brought the forum the widest involvement and the highest attention.

It's the time to witness the heroes of internet! Here, JW Marriott, Beijing China, on December 8th ,2011, let’s celebrate it together.

Organization: , Information Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;Time: December, 08, 2011 (Thursday);Location: JW Marriott, Beijing China; Web:

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Source: chinainternetweekly
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